News & Wellness: Discover the Latest from RNZ Clinic

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Introducing RNZ Clinics Victoria Island, A New Era of Healthcare Excellence

RNZ Clinics proudly announces the grand launch of its state-of-the-art clinic in Victoria Island. We are excited to introduce a new era of healthcare excellence right here in Nigeria. This clinic, one of two new additions to our family, is set to redefine the healthcare landscape with innovation, world-class medical professionals, and a patient-centric approach.

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RNZ Media RNZ Media

Your brain, the remarkable control center of your life

Your brain, about the size of a grapefruit and weighing around three pounds, is a true marvel. It's your body's command center, orchestrating everything you do in life. But what exactly does your brain do, and why is it crucial to take good care of it?

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RNZ Media RNZ Media

World Physiotherapy Day 2023

The focus for this year’s World PT Day on 8th of September is arthritis, with an in-depth look at some forms of arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis. This follows on from the theme for 2022, which focused on osteoarthritis.

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RNZ Media RNZ Media


Some say that a healthy spine leads to a happy life, and anyone suffering from back pain knows this all too well. Back pain can be debilitating and sideline an individual from partaking in everyday activities.

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What is Virtual Care?: From Asset to Necessity

The terminology surrounding virtual care can be confusing with terms such as telehealth, telemedicine and digital health used to describe its various aspects. Ultimately, the focus remains on the patient; virtual healthcare aims to provide the right level of care at the point of care.

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